AnonyTun Settings for Glo Unlimited Browsing N20 Daily

Glo unlimited daily

Hello guys, Finally new glo unlimited is available and is blazing hot. This cheat has been tested by me and i have proofs of screenshots below this article. It's been a while we had free browsing cheat on all Network in Nigeria. Now i have come to enlighten you guys on how to browse free on your glo line for just N20 daily.

This free browsing cheat is like that of bblited cheat which we used some years back 2014- 2015. But the time of Simple android server is over.  Remember that Glo blocked the N0.00 free unlimited browsing which was the longest cheat that has lasted. So we need to keep this cheat low key as immediately glo discovers this, it gets blocked and we all will lose.

The cheat was cracked and discovered by me (UcheTechs), So to all those bloggers out there, if you want to republish this on your respective blogs, please leave a link back to this blog(backlinks).

Now over to the free browsing trick and settings via Anonytun. Some group members asked if the cheat requires a code to work? Now, this doesn't require any code or text message. You'll need to activate it online like that of the Airtel free browsing cheat in which i shared a few days ago.

How To Activate The Glo Subscription:


  • Your glo line {4G SIM}
  • Have at least Some Mb on your glo line because you will need to open a website which I'll show you below
  • A good internet browser ( Chrome browser; Recommend)

Ones you have the above handy, you free to continue below;

Glo images: UcheTechs

1. With your glo sim, visit;
2. If you look above/Top of the website, you will see your Glo number.
3.  Although i can't fully remember this part because i have subbed and can't go back to that page, you will likely see subscribe to Glo images and you will see a message on the website asking you if you want to subscribe to Glo images.
4. Click "OK"
5. Ones you have subscribed, they will open another page in a blink of an eye, which will give you some rules and regulations on how to use the glo images subscription.

If you feel like, head over to the homepage.  You will see a message from Glo like the image below;

Now you are done subscribing to glo images for N20 daily. You will likely receive a message from glo welcoming you to Glo images;

Glo welcome Image - UcheTechs Blog

You have been successfully subscribed to daily subscription of Glo Image Store. Visit  to download amazing content on your mobile

Note: Glo will zap your airtime, so i recommend you load little amount on your phone e.g N100.

Now let's see how we can use this Subscription and browse Unlimited throughout the whole day.
Post created by uchetechs

How To Browse Unlimited On Glo Images Using AnonyTun;

Anonytun N20 daily cracked by uchetechs

~ Download AnonyTun (Any version)
  • Enable stealth Tunnel On
  • In connection Protocol choose HTTP 
  • In Connection Port choose 8081
  • Do not touch the connect via parent proxy
  • Now click on Edit Custom TCP/ Http Headers
  • You should see the Title HTTP Headers
  • On url/Host input;

  • On Request method choose; GET
  • On injection method choose; NORMAL
  • Leave Query method blank in the sense that you should untick Front  query and back query if they were ticked.
  • Now tick User-agent 
  • As well as "keep alive"
  • Now click on the Generate button
It should show like the text below if not repeat the steps again or simply copy the text below and paste it on your anonytun....

GET http:// HTTP/1.1[crlf]
Connection: Keep-Alive[crlf]
User-Agent: [ua][crlf]
  • Now click save. It should take you back to the home screen of the app.
  • Use this my new trick to make it connect in 2 secs....
  • Activate your data...and immediately your data on's click on connect.
This is how you can browse unlimited throughout the day. I wouldn't be happy seeing other bloggers copying my hard work anyhow. I repeat, please if you want to copy my content leave a backlink back to the blog.
E.g source:

Please do not let this cheat leak, if it does i might not be happy with any blogger involved in the broadcasting of this cheat carelessly, Even better share it on your respective WhatsApp group. 

Note To Bloggers: If you want to give the link to GloImages, let the link be "nofollow" so that they won't tract the link to the article.

If you have any question concerning this article please use the remark box below. No private chat on WhatsApp.

So guys over to you, how do you view this cheat? Simple and better right?. Drop your testimonies below.

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  1. Under testing...

    1. Thanks, come back and give testimomy

  2. Nice update boss uche, is like they zap mb before using the cheat.... It works for me... 3mb and counting

    1. Mb or airtime bro? Your right as seen in the article,they zap artime before using the cheat.... also i want you guys to know that anonytun has differnt settings for different devices. So using POST on a samsung device might not work on a Tecno device... you can try GET.. Ports availble: 8080, 8081, 8032, 80

  3. Will it affect my existing sub?

    1. Probably, i suggest you don't sub to the plan.

  4. Someone who has used 50mb or more should confirm

  5. Is like it has stopped... used 276mb. Bloggers has started posting it every where. ��

    1. hopes it still works, the cheat has gone far already oh.... uche your the boss

  6. Wow, nice update, testing mood

  7. Nice work bro

  8. No other testimonies!?

    1. Is like it got blocked yesterday evening

  9. UcheTech how many mb have you used?

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. It was working dou, it got blocked as it was leaked on blogs

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