9Mobile Games Unlimited Free Browsing | Discovered by UcheTechs

 UcheTechs Blog has once again discovered another free browsing for Nigeria and this time it is 9Mobile Games Unlimited Free browsing. This free internet works just like MTN BBLited 2015-2016 free browsing, on this 9Mobile Free Browsing, you get 24 hours unlimited browsing for N25, 7 days Unlimited browsing for N50, and 1-month unlimited browsing for N150. Here's how to activate and subscribe to it, enjoy!

9Mobile Games Unlimited Free Browsing

This 9Mobile game offers you the first subscription for free as a free trial, for example, if you subscribed to N50 for a week, 9Mobile will not charge you for that week till the auto-renewal. This applies only to new users and it cannot be done on another plan. Currently, there is no USSD code or SMS Code to subscribe to the 9Mobile games Cheat, so before you subscribe, you need to visit their website, it won't be easy due to their website server issues.

SEE ALSO: Glo Unlimited Free Browsing 2020 ( iPhone & Android Confirmed)

The connection is very fast, you can always make use of it on UT Loop VPN, below contains the settings, requirements, and how to subscribe to 9mobile games with unlimited free browsing by UcheTechs 2020/2021.

9Mobile Games Unlimited Free Browsing Settings


  • SIM: 9Mobile
  • Network: 3G or 4G
  • Tariff: Any
  • Plan: 9Mobile Games
  • VPN: UT Loop VPN
  • OS: Android

9Mobile NG Games Subscription Code & Settings 

So here are the settings and subscription code for 9Mobile games unlimited free browsing tweak 2020/2021 by UcheTechs. Make sure you follow the guide exactly how it was written, credits go to Wisdom Uche of UcheTechs.Com, don't remove this when sharing this post if you want us to keep discovering new free browsing like this.

1. On your 9Mobile SIM, send GD to 475.

2. Now you will be sent a link which leads to http://t.games.9mobile.com.ng

3. Open it on Chrome Browser (Recommended by UcheTechs).

4. Select your subscription plan -> (Daily N25), (Weekly N50), or (Monthly N150).

5. For example I choose Weekly N50, so tap on it and select "Join Now".

6. Type in your 9Mobile number on the login box, please don't include the first number of your phone number. E.g if your number is 07032506321 (my real number), then you should type (7032506321) for it to work.

7. Tap continue, you will be sent a PIN via SMS, type in the pin when received to activate your subscription.

8. Download & Install UT Loop VPN from Playstore here, open with little data for tweaks and server to show.

9. Select "9Mobile Games Server", then on tweaks, scroll down to NGA and select "9Mobile Games" tweak.

10. Tap the glowing blue button and it will turn red within seconds showing it has connected.

11. Don't bother checking your balance with *228#, it is hidden.

12. To cancel the subscription, send STOP to 475.

Please share with your friends, and no one should copy this post and remove the credits to support our work and also for us to be encouraged to keep sharing free internet. Leave a comment below the comment box.


  1. Uche please is this unlimited

  2. Working perfectly for me..super fast speed

    1. Enjoy, please share on Facebook and Twitter with your friends

  3. Please for a new user, is it after the free trial that one can enjoy the tweak? Your kind response would be appreciated. Thank you.

    1. Works even with the free trial. 99% are new users since this is the first time they are knowing about the plan.

  4. Working perfectly for me,

  5. I didn't receive pin

    1. Make sure you omit the first number of your phone number when typing it for the SMS code verification.

  6. That is what im using right now. Uchetechs is the best of all...

  7. Mine is not working

  8. M a new user no deductions but it didn't connect

  9. This work for me very well. My remaining data was not even touched since I got connected. Thumb up UcheTechs

  10. apart from utloop vpn, which other vpn can this work on? i have a device with android version 4.4.2.

    1. Http Injector, Anonytun, there are many

  11. I think it works on new sim. Not previous etisalat sim

  12. Didn't receive the pin to log in

  13. Wasn't able to even subscribe

  14. Didn't get pin, maybe is new sim

  15. It seems it has stopped, feedback needed from others before confirming.

  16. It only 1 day oooooooo 😥

  17. The notification they sent stated one day that it last for 1 day

    1. Wasn't it N25 for 24 hours you subscribed to? So what are you talking about? There is N50 for 7 days and N150 for 1 month plan.

  18. Mine isn't connecting and I have already subscribed since yesterday I have been trying to connect

  19. Must i use vpn?can't it work direct like the glo tweak?

  20. Is it still working

  21. It not connecting again

  22. I just added a server for it, please test and leave feedback

  23. Mine isn't working. I don't even receive any text when I send the 'GD' to 475 , and even when I go directly on the website it just subscribes without asking me to input my number for the pin

  24. Is it still working currently?

  25. I didn't find the game server to connect it.

  26. Is it still working?

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