About Us

UcheTechs Blog Next Generation World of Techs


UcheTechs.Com (UT) was launched in 2017, by W Uche, a blogger, and programmer from Nigeria. Taking UcheTechs to the top wasn't easy, but I envisioned and have thus developed, UT as a platform of trending Games, Apps, and Gadgets Tutorials.

My Mission

Uchetechs.com was created with a mission to:
  1. To help users get access to Top trending tech Tech News
  2. Guide you through your Android and PC with useful tips
  3. Find and showcase articles from the newest or most established writers 
  4. Express my love for technology, games, apps, and Technology Tricks
  5. Social Media, Phone news update - Always be updated on upcoming updates.

Contacting Us

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Address: Lagos, Nigeria

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Last Updated: 31/12/2022


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